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Zahra Stevick, Contributor

Oberlin College boasts a staff of erudite experts engaged in endless fields of examination, from ethnomusicology to Earth science. I interviewed them to find out more.

THE GRAPE: Here I am with Professor Riley Salmon of the Biology department, who specializes in holographic Egyptology. What a combination!

PROF SALMON: It’s actually horticultural entomology.

THE GRAPE: Professor, what can you tell us about your work?

PROF SALMON: The link between plants, insects, and the environment is quite fascinating—please don’t interfere with the terrariums.


PROF SALMON: Good eye, though. That Ocimum tenuiflorum is highly valued in certain cultures.

THE GRAPE: So is this edible?

PROF SALMON: Don’t touch that.

THE GRAPE: What’s the point of all this anyway?

PROF SALMON: Great question. The relevance of horticulture as it relates to the study of insects is often overlooked, and…are you trying to sneak that spider out of its cage?


At this point, I was ejected from the laboratory.

THE GRAPE: Professor Amy Spoon is an expert in theoretical physics and its practical applications. Professor, I have a lot to ask you.

PROF SPOON: Fire away!

THE GRAPE: How can I de-loft my lofted bed without ruining my room setup? Here, I have pictures.

PROF SPOON: Uh…couldn’t you just move your dresser into that corner?

THE GRAPE: No, I need that corner for the fridge I use to store my orange juice.

PROF SPOON: You need a whole fridge just for orange juice?

THE GRAPE: No comment.

PROF SPOON: Don’t you want to know more about my research? I’ve found compelling evidence detailing the quantification of electromagnetic absorption in humans. Do you have any questions about that?

THE GRAPE: Sure. What does quantification mean?

At this point, Professor Spoon suddenly remembered an important meeting she needed to attend.

THE GRAPE: I am now speaking to Professor Cyril Popplestone, who has spent his life working on a study on neoclassical art and architecture that is almost ready to be published!

PROF POPPLESTONE: I started looking into this when Reagan was elected. I can’t believe it’s been almost twenty years!

THE GRAPE: Twenty?

PROF POPPLESTONE: The discovery of Herculaneum was particularly profound…forgive me, but I’m forgetting the year—

THE GRAPE: 1709? I just Googled it.

PROF POPPLESTONE: Egads! What in God’s name is that contraption?

THE GRAPE: Sorry? You mean my phone?

PROF POPPLESTONE: Here’s a miniature diorama I made to accompany my report. I’ve spent half my life on it. This is the Pantheon, and…careful with your orange juice—


At this point, I judged it best to adjourn the interview.

THE GRAPE: Professor Ima Hardman is widely renowned for her work in economics. Professor, why was the study of economics invented?

PROF HARDMAN: Excuse me?

THE GRAPE: To make weather forecasters look good!

PROF HARDMAN: You think you’re clever, don’t you?

THE GRAPE: Not really.

PROF HARDMAN: Any real questions?

THE GRAPE: Did you know that if you rearrange the letters in ‘economics’ you get ‘comic nose?’

At this point, Professor Hardman slammed the door in my face.


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